- Are you living with HIV in Pennsylvania?
- Are you interested in HIV advocacy?
- Do you want to do more with PA-HIV Justice Alliance?
JOIN PA-HJA Advocates Training to strengthen advocacy skills to end HIV criminalization in Pennsylvania.
link to the application form and to share with others: https://bit.ly/PAHJAtraining
HIV Criminalization 101 | Building PLHIV Networks, Building Power | Pennsylvania HIV Criminal Laws Dissected | Model Law Reform | Being the Change you Seek in a Resistant Community | Intersections: Drug Use/Sex Work/Race | The Pennsylvania Legislative Process | Talking to Legislators, telling your Story | Getting Involved
- Must have reliable internet access and web camera (Zoom training).
- Commit to 6 Saturday 5 Hour Trainings (10am-3pm ET | 9am-2pm ET with a 1 hour break for lunch)
- Training dates: July 13, July 20, July 27, August 3, August 10, August 17.
- Must be living with HIV and live in Pennsylvania
- Receive $50 stipend per each workshop (up to $300; payments at the 3 week and 6 week mark. Stipends will be paid in those 3 week increments based on attendance. Need to be present on the day to receive payment).
- Up to 10 people selected.
- Priority given to new advocates and “newish” PA-HJA advocates.
- Aiming to train 2 people from each PA Region.
DEADLINE: Apply by June 24
Applications to be reviewed as received, so get yours in quickly to ensure consideration!
More information and application form: https://bit.ly/PAHJAtraining
QUESTIONS? Contact PaHIVJusticeAlliance@aidslawpa.org
Pennsylvania HIV Justice Alliance (PA-HJA)
The PA HIV Justice Alliance is a coalition of Pennsylvanians living with HIV and strategic allies, inspired by the Denver Principles of Meaningful Involvement of People with AIDS, speaking with a collective voice to enhance the quality of life and secure a just future for people living with HIV.

Pictured above, our founding members, in Milford, PA in 2019.
We are building an intersectional, cross-movement, values-aligned coalition to destigmatize and decriminalize HIV in Pennsylvania
HIV criminalization is the wrongful use of a person’s HIV status in a criminal prosecution for behaviors which would not be crimes if the person was not living with HIV. There is little legal or other support available for those charged with HIV-related crimes, yet the consequences of being charged are severe and can have long-term impact on the health and well being of the person living with HIV, their family and their community, even after leaving the criminal legal system.
Criminalization is never a solution to health challenges. A response rooted in policing and criminalization not only undermines public health and human rights, but jeopardizes the long-term survival of our communities.
One of PA-HJA’s core organizing principles is the Meaningful Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (MIPA). MIPA means centering the voices of people living with HIV, with particular attention to those most affected, including diversity, marginalization, and lack of resources. This includes looking at who is at the table and how the decision-making process occurs. The collective voices and organized leadership of people living with HIV is essential to changing laws that most impact people living with or affected by HIV.
Sign up here to learn more and get involved: https://bit.ly/PA-HJA
See us on facebook.com/PAHIVJusticeAlliance
email us at: PaHIVJusticeAlliance@aidslawpa.org