30 Years: AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania
After 30 years, we are recognizing a bittersweet anniversary in a documentary produced by Peter Lien and Mark Spencer, featuring friends and clients, Julie Graham, Randy Ott, Marcus Hill, and Jose Benitez.
25 Years of Justice
At the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, one of the fundamental things we can do is truly listen to our clients, who all too often have been ignored. Our primary concern is protecting their confidentiality. But we’ve also found that some of our clients are eager to share their stories, which they do in this video, 25 Years of Justice, by Peter Lien and Mark Spencer. We’d like to thank Ed Bomba, Jose de Marco, Edna Reyes and the Reverend Jeffery Haskins for sharing some of the challenges they have faced. To see more of the great work of videographer and photographer Peter Lien, go to www.peterlien.com
Justice Being Done
Justice Being Done from AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania on Vimeo.